DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-4-0-5.

Professional career trajectories of research and pedagogical workers

The article discusses the problems of professional career trajectories of university teachers in the light of the implementation of the strategic goal of the national project “Science and Universities” – ensuring the presence of the Russian Federation among the ten leading countries in the world in terms of the volume of scientific research and development, including through the creation of an effective system of higher education education. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the problems of human capital development and formulate a new personnel policy for universities. Based on a survey of 500 teachers of the Ufa University of Science and Technology, established in 2022 on the basis of Bashkir State University and Ufa State Aviation Technical University, various trajectories of their professional careers are analyzed. The following features are noted that are characteristic not only of this, but also of the vast majority of Russian universities, such as the dominance of teaching and the weakness of the scientific (academic) trajectory of a professional career, the underdevelopment of interuniversity and interregional mobility as a factor in a professional career; the presence of such a barrier to a professional career as the greater importance in the work of teachers of stability of employment and wages, and the lesser importance of professional growth, scientific activity, and evaluation of teachers’ work. In modern conditions, it is necessary to balance teaching and scientific careers and form an optimal mechanism for integrating these career trajectories. Questions are raised about the need for a qualitative instead of a quantitative approach to resolving the issue of rejuvenating the teaching staff of universities, the formation of a new “career ladder” in universities based on the concept of enriching the content of work; creation of a system for recruiting scientific and pedagogical personnel, starting from school.


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