Socio-professional groups and the development strategy of the society
The article introduces the reader to the fundamental concepts and key topics of the sociology of professions and professional groups as a branch of scientific sociological knowledge. A classification of objects and subject areas of work is given. The main problematic areas of industry research are characterized. A brief description of the research articles published in the issue is provided.
Mansurov, V. А. (2023), “Socio-professional groups and the development strategy of the society”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (4), 4-9. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-4-0-1.
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Mansurov, V. A., Ivanova, E. Y. (2023), “Professional culture and professional dynasty: ways of interaction”, Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 1. Problems of education, science and culture, (3), 144-155. (In Russian)
Mansurov, V. A., Shatrova, E. A. (2021), “Transformation of traditional professions as an element of the social sphere in the process of digitalization”, Transformatsiya sotsialno-trudovoy sfery v usloviyakh tsifrovogo obshhestva [Transformation of the social and labor sphere in a digital society], materials of the international scientific conference. the city of Dushanbe. July 15, LLC “Polygraph Group”, 38-43. (In Russian)
Professionalnye dinastii: vosproizvodstvo professionalnykh grupp [Professional dynasties:
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monograph, ed. by V. A. Mansurov; ed. by E. Y. Ivanov, FNISTC RAS, Moscow, Russia. ISBN 978-5-904804-31-2 (In Russian)
Inzhenernye dinastii Rossii [Engineering dynasties of Russia], (2017), monograph, ed. by V. A. Mansurov, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)
Mansurov, V. A., Semenova, A. V. (2022), “The image of a modern Russian engineer: the experience of content analysis of scientific publications”, Sociological Research, (3), 83-89. (In Russian)