The role of religion in the consolidation of Muslim communities in the EU countries: problems and prospects
Population migration is a complex social process by its nature and diverse in forms and consequences. Migration in its essence is a multidimensional phenomenon, including demographic, ethno-religious, political, economic and other components. Ethno-religious migration processes are primarily ethnosocial and confessional factors leading to transformation in the territorial and social situation of individual representatives and groups of certain ethnic groups and confessions, which occur under the influence of socio-political and other factors. The experience of interethnic relations over the years clearly shows that misunderstandings and conflicts arise more often and manifest themselves more acutely in the multicultural world and polyethnic communities.The article examines the causes and consequences of the migration of Muslims to Europe, the prospects of increasing the number of Muslim population in the countries of the European Union. At the same time, the article pays special attention to the reasons for the weak integration of Muslims, as well as the role of traditional values and religion in the consolidation of migrants and opposition to liberal European values. At the same time, the article reveals the reasons for the radicalization of Muslims in Europe and outlines the prospects for the development of integration processes in European Muslim communities. The author makes an attempt to show the role of religion in the process of preserving their identity by Muslims and in consolidation to solve social, economic and other problems.
Gadzhimuradova, G. I. (2023), “The role of religion in the consolidation of Muslim communities in the EU countries: problems and prospects”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (2), 159-169. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-1-2.
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