Socio-political orientations of the religious and non-religious population of the Russian Federation
As part of updating the problem of finding key pillars for building domestic consolidation policies, the authors suggest examining the religious factor in terms of its cultural and historical influence. The context of this paper examines the worldview specificity of Orthodoxy, the attitude of believers to political power, to citizens of other statuses/beliefs, ideas about the social order, etc., formed on its basis. The article is based on the results of sociological research carried out with the participation of the authors. It is based on the analysis of empirical data and devoted to the comparative analysis of dominant sociopolitical and political-ideological orientations of religious and non-religious population of modern Russian society. The results of the study showed that the level of loyalty, consolidation, and trust in the authorities and public institutions of Russian society is higher among the religious population, who retain a commitment to traditional values, historical memory, and social justice. Accordingly, the potential for socio-political consolidation of this group is higher. At the same time, in spite of believers' high appraisal of spirituality as a basic value for Russia's future revival, few respondents in this world-view group consider Orthodoxy and individual religiosity to be a consolidating force in Russian society. We can assume a gradual consolidation in the public consciousness of ideas about the future of Russia as a secular state.
Novozhenina, O. P., Grebnyak, O. V. (2023), “Socio-political orientations of the religious and non-religious population of the Russian Federation, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (2), 110-126.
DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-0-9.
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