The main values of the consolidation of Russian society in the views of religious and non-religious students
This article examines the empirical indicators of sociological research conducted in the Institute of Demographic Studies (IDS) of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2022 among the student youth of Moscow, Tuva and the Belgorod regions. In order to solve the problem of identifying the impact of religious worldview on the socio-political and patriotic positions of the individual, first of all, a comparative analysis of the social orientations (national, religious, socio-political) of religious and non-religious groups of young people was conducted. Based on the indicators presented, it follows that religious students, compared to non-religious students in the regions studied, are more patriotic and optimistic about the revival and restoration of Russia's positions in the world that were lost in the past. In the rating of values that make up the main content of the national idea, the nomination “patriotism” in the consolidation of Russian society is put on the first and second places by the religious youth of Tuva and the Belgorod region compared with non-religious students (Tuva: 61% and 40%, respectively; Belgorod region: 65% and 29%, respectively). Despite the fact that in the capital megapolice, the rating of socio-patriotic values in the consolidation of society ranks the fourth among the religious group of students, nevertheless, in comparison with the non-religious group, the quantitative indicator is twice as high (“patriotism” 47% and 24%, respectively; “national pride” 51% and 23% respectively). Empirical data from surveys of the studied regions do not record the presence of stable ideas of youth about patriotism as the main value in the consolidation of Russian society. At the same time, the results of the sociological research confirm that the idea of patriotism is a priority in the system of “ideas of national accord” in groups of religious students.
E. A. (2023), “The main values of the consolidation of Russian society in the views of religious and non-religious students”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (2), 21-42. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-0-3.
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