Inequality in objective quality of life between affluent city dwellers and slum dwellers in India: a case study in Guwahati city
The quality of life of people in any society determines social well-being. Objective quality of life is often regarded as a determinant of subjective quality of life. Subjective quality of life largely depends on material conditions other subjective factors too play an important role. Urban India is economically and technologically advanced but the constant growth of slum areas indicates an uneven impact of development on the living condition of people. The present study has divided the urban population into affluent city dwellers and slum dwellers. It has been found that quality of life in slums is very deplorable. The study sets the objectives to assess the inequality in the quality of life among affluent city dwellers and slum dwellers. The study has applied qualitative methods of data collection from the field. Data has been collected from Guwahati city of Assam
Laskar, M. H., Sharma, A. (2023), “Inequality in objective quality of life between affluent city dwellers and slum dwellers in India: a case study in Guwahati city”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (1), 36-47.
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