Public and professional expertise managerial decisions on publicly significant problems of the city
The complex nature of managerial decisions on publicly significant problems of the city must take into account the knowledge, needs and values of stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to substantiate public and professional expertise as a possible format for the participation of stakeholders in the process of solving citywide problems, as well as the development of a communicative mechanism that will allow giving motivated conclusions on the decisions made. To achieve this goal: 1) social diagnostics were carried out in the format of expert and mass surveys, which provided grounds for verifying the problem of using expert knowledge in managerial decisions; 2) conceptualization within the framework of the city management system of understanding the content of public and professional expertise, which allowed to define it as a human-sized discussion by stakeholders (including experts) of information on publicly significant problems in order to facilitate the adoption of responsible decisions by authorized persons; 3) design developing of a communication mechanism of the proposed expert review format based on configuration of relational networks. The inclusion by city authorities in the process of discussing managerial decisions of expertise of that type will make it possible to quickly find a solution to publicly significant issues that require the analysis of large amounts of information and put into practice another form of citizens' complicity in solving citywide problems.
Zotov, V. V. (2023), “Public and professional expertise managerial decisions on publicly significant problems of the city”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (1), 113-125
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