Consequences of the implementation of the theory and practice of “Smart City”: to the statement of the problem
The relevance of the article is due to three circumstances: the ongoing process of urbanization, the development of a new round of scientific and technological progress, the course of our state to put into practice the programs of the digital society. All these fundamental processes are reflected in the concept called smart city. The processes taking place under the influence of the information revolution are evaluated as synergetic or self-organizing, the scale of virtual reality is increasing, the process of changing the physical, mental and intellectual nature of a person is underway. The methodological basis of the article is the work of domestic and foreign authors, the concepts of smart city, digital revolution. The consequences of the digital revolution will affect all areas of the city and the city as a whole as a social phenomenon. The concept of a smart city will manifest itself in the field of urban management (it requires the rejection of traditional forms and methods of management), new institutions appear in the economy (platform companies representing network business models), the functions of the city are changing (leveling the determining value of spatial anchoring).
Zaborova, E. N. (2023), “Consequences of the implementation of the theory and practice of “Smart City”: to the statement of the problem”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (1), 48-58
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