Organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of strategic documents in the context of socio-economic
and socio-cultural differences between regions
The relevance of the study stems from the not always obvious role of the authorities in differentiating the regions according to key economic and socio-cultural indicators. At the same time, interregional inequality can be no less significant than the differences between countries. In this regard, the practical problem is to find possible ways to overcome the negative consequences of socio-economic inequalities on the part of the management system itself. The scientific problem lies in the search for new knowledge regarding sociological indicators that fix the work of the power-administrative vertical to overcome such consequences, allowing this work to be given an objective and comprehensive assessment. The results of the site analysis served as an empirical basis, which made it possible to determine similar and distinctive features of coverage of the implementation of strategic documents of regional development, features of reforming key areas of regional life and fixing barriers to this reform. This method cannot be considered the only objective tool for measuring the implementation of the strategic development of regions, but it captures the formalized position of the authorities. Features of posting regional development documents on government websites, the nature of coverage of the reform of key areas of regional life, as well as the mention (in fact, recognition) by managers of objective barriers that impede the implementation of regional development, can be defined as organizational and managerial conditions for the work of regional authorities. The results confirmed two key hypotheses that, firstly, when implementing a development strategy, the authorities do not realize the full potential of information and communication technologies. Secondly, their rule-making activities do not always provide for references to strategic documents. Which, in turn, may be the reason for the lack of a systematic approach to overcoming the negative consequences of socio-economic inequality.
Saveliev, I. A. (2022), “Organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of strategic documents in the context of socio-economic and socio-cultural differences between regions”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 8 (4), 159-171. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-1-3
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