DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-1-1

Subjectivity in solving the problems of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (based on remote analysis of open sources of the Internet)

Reducing interregional differences in the level and quality of life of the population (inequality), accelerating economic growth and technological development, as well as ensuring the national security of the country is the goal of strategies for socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Managing the achievement of this goal requires decision-making in the political, social and economic planes. But the complexity of the tasks facing decision makers in modern turbulent conditions, according to a number of scientists, makes classical approaches to management based on subject-object relations and mechanistic models insufficient. Therefore, it is proposed to evaluate and predict using the subjectivity of the collective subject (sociocultural body), which characterizes the internal driving principle of the participants involved in the development of the region and the abilities they acquire to act as the cause of what is happening. The goal was to develop a system of indicators of the subjectivity of socio-cultural bodies of the problem of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation, which allows making measurements remotely based on information from open sources on the Internet. The methodological basis of the study was the anthroposocietal approach of N. I. Lapin and the model of the socio-cultural body of the problem of A. V. Tikhonov. We have completed the first part of the study. We have proposed and tested a methodology for collecting open information on the Internet, which is necessary to identify the subjects of the development of the region and the mechanisms of their interaction. On the basis of the data obtained, indicators were determined that allow accumulating open statistical data to assess the subjectivity of the implementation of a long-term strategy for the socio-economic development of the region. Based on the results of the qualitative analysis, a pilot collection of quantitative data was also carried out. It is proposed to make a forecast of the socio-economic development of the region by assessing the formation of the subjectivity of the social body, examining the dynamics of building relationships between the subjects involved in the process. The results obtained will allow in the second part of the study to test the hypotheses put forward in the study: the subjectivity of the socio-cultural body of the socio-economic development of the region does not have a linear dependence on the general level of socio-cultural modernization of the region; The collective subjectivity of the participants involved in the process is of key importance to the success of solving the problems of regional development and its positive dynamics.


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