Methodology for identifying governance barriers in the implementation of policies to mitigate regional inequalities
The urgency of studying the problem is due to the imperfection of the organization of the internal policy of the regions to prevent and minimize excessive types of social inequalities. Public administration is focused on building a system of benefits. Due to them, they are trying to reduce the gaps in the standard of living of the population. However, such an economic-centric approach does not take into account the causes of the appearance of different types of social inequalities, does not solve the problem of developing mechanisms for their regulation of a managerial type. In this article, it is proposed to get acquainted with the methodological approach of diagnosing the problems of functioning of the regional governance system for the implementation of the policy of minimizing social inequalities. This methodology was developed at the Center for Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of the IS RAS (A. V. Tikhonov). This approach is based on the concepts of reflection and reflexively. This approach is based on the concepts of reflection and reflexive management. It makes it possible to detect key problems of regional governance that reduce the possibility of overcoming excessive regional inequalities. Based on the examination data (2017, 2020), the typologization of governance problems was carried out, types of barriers were created that represent signs of deformation of operational and strategic governance decisions.
Bogdanov, S. V., Pochestnev, A. A. (2022), “Methodology for identifying governance barriers in the implementation of policies to mitigate regional inequalities”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 8 (4), 102-116. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-0-9
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