Academic mobility of students: values, attitudes and social practices in the South of Russia
Relevance: Academic mobility, as a special type of movement for the purpose of educational and scientific practices, is one of the mechanisms of self-regulation of the learning process of Russian students. In the South of Russia, expanding the prospects for intra-university and intra-Russian academic mobility contributes to improving the quality of education, creating a unified intellectual environment and promoting tourism practices. Scientific problem: A critical analysis of the scientific literature has shown that the scientific literature has not yet considered how the prevailing ideas about education and values affect students' attitudes to academic mobility. The purpose of this study was to identify the features of attitudes and social practices of academic mobility of Russian students, limited by formal external barriers existing in universities in the South of Russia. Methods: The theory of mental programs is used to study the concepts of education as a value, attitudes and social practices of academic mobility. The analysis is based on the study of significant relationships of variables through the Chi-square criterion. Research results: Attitudes to intra-university mobility are highest among students with pragmatic views, although, in general, ideas about education have little effect on intra-university mobility. Students with conservative ideas show a great attitude to the practices of intra-Russian mobility, see them as an educational value. While students with liberal and pragmatic views believe that this may interfere with their studies at their native university or they are not interested in it. Most students have an attitude to international mobility, but do not have the financial opportunity for it. The number of implemented social practices is largely due to external factors, that is, the opportunities that exist in the universities of the Rostov region and the Republic of Crimea, as well as the state of academic mobility in Russian higher education in general. Conclusions: Academic mobility of students in Russia is of particular importance for improving the quality of higher education in the country. The student youth in the South of Russia, showing a high degree of self-regulation, demonstrates high attitudes to all types of academic mobility. However, the nature of attitudes is largely determined by the conservative and liberal ideas of students that have developed in the process of social programming.
Zaytseva, A. A. (2022), “Academic mobility of students: values, attitudes and social practices in the South of Russia”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 8 (3), 137-154. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-3-0-10.
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