DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-4-1-4

Corporate education as a tool of organizational culture development

Relevance. Modern ideas about corporate culture note the influence of corporate education on it. At the same time, no special studies of this influence have been undertaken in recent years, which characterizes this problematic as a topical one. Methods. The article represents the results of an expert survey of managers who initiate educational processes in their companies and monitor their results (20 experts were interviewed). The purpose of the study is to identify factors, forms and results of the impact of corporate education on organizational culture of modern Russian companies. The research task also involves identifying directions for the transformation of corporate training functions in connection with digitalization trends, reinforced by forced adaptation to work in a pandemic environment. Scientific results. The study revealed some benefits of companies that practice regular education of their employees: stability of the market position, higher level of their staff, operative reaction on employee competency requirements, talent pool training, unleashing the potential of employees, attracting and retaining the best employees. The survey of experts confirmed the positive impact of corporate education on organizational culture and made it possible to establish the correspondence of the elements of education to the components of organizational culture formed by them. Transformation tendencies of corporate education methods were revealed. The study of secondary sources allowed to identify the risks of corporate culture development arising from the expanding practices of precarization of labor, the spread of remote work, and increased recruitment for short- and medium-term projects. Conclusions. The transformation of organizational structure of modern companies appears in contradictory trends. On the one hand, there is a growing importance of corporate education focused on the formation of organizational culture, and on the other hand, an increase in demand for relevant professional educational programs that are not related to the culture of specific organizations.

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