DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-4-0-6

Strategic analysis of the region (on the example of the Mogilev region, the Republic of Belarus)

The relevance of the strategic analysis of regions is due to a high degree of dynamism, complexity and interdependence of the processes of socio-economic development in the context of the development of a post-industrial society, as well as the increasing importance of close interaction between citizens and government bodies in making managerial decisions. Strategic planning, taking into account the assessment of internal and external conditions for the development of the region, as well as socio-economic forecasting, will acquire great importance. The article systematizes the approaches to the implementation of regional strategic analysis, defines the areas of applied analysis of regions with access to a system of methods and directions of forecasting. On the example of the Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus, a strategic analysis was carried out within the framework of territorial and systemic approaches using sociological research methods: analysis of statistical and official information, the results of in-depth interviews with representatives of the management vertical, social sphere and public organizations. The strategic analysis of the Mogilev region made it possible to identify the characteristic features of specific territories and individual spheres of life of the region and to determine the following directions of its development at the level of public administration: active construction of business entities of a logistics focus, which will make it possible to develop innovative management and automation technologies, international cooperation in the field of logistics, attract foreign investment, create new jobs, and align the development of the subregions; greening and modernization of chemical enterprises, ensuring the radiation safety of the population, which will preserve the demographic and labor potential of the region, as well as intensify the development of various directions of the tourism industry; increasing the role of local self-government and widespread use of Internet resources in the interaction of the population and public authorities, which will increase the social activity of citizens and the transparency of management decisions.

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