Subjectivity of problem solving in regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the interaction of key actors involved in solving local problems in regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. On the example of twelve regions of the Russian Federation the hypothesis that the level of civilizational development has a significant impact on the relations of subjects in the management of regional development was tested. The subjectivity of the participants as an activity characteristic that manifests itself in their interaction with each other was studied as a key parameter of the analysis. Since the interaction of subjects is evaluated in terms of influencing the future of regions, the subject of the analysis was not subjectivity as a property of the subject, but subjectivity as a qualitative characteristic of the goal (i.e. how subjects influence the solution of regional problems). The characteristics of the subjectivity of the interaction of regional problem solving were defined and interpreted, allowing the measurements to be carried out. The basis of assigning regions to a particular type of socio-cultural development was based on the methodology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, adapted under the guidance of N. I. Lapin to determine the levels of civilizational difference in the process of modernization. The empirical material included the results of the studies “Civil Expertise of the Problem of Reforming of Power and Administration Vertical in the Context of Socio-Cultural Modernization of Regions: from Monitoring of States to Projection Design” and “The Academic Project: Manageability of Social Group Formation Processes in Regions with Different Levels of Socio-Cultural Modernization and Population Support of the Development Strategy of RF until 2024”, conducted by CSU and STS RAS FNISC. The data of the field survey, online survey of experts and content-analysis of mass media were used. It was revealed that the interaction of key actors in solving regional problems have heterogeneous differences, which are levelled when obtaining average results for each level of socio-cultural modernization. Despite the fact that the regions move at different civilizational speeds, this feature is not significant in the formation of relations between subjects. To determine the factors influencing the subjectivity of solving regional problems, it is proposed to conduct a qualitative study of the interaction between the subjects on the implementation of national projects in the regions.
Demyanenko, V. I. (2021), “Subjectivity of problem solving in regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 7(4), 75-95. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-4-0-5.
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