Methodological approaches, methods, and aspects of intentionality research in sociology of management
The article discusses the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of management in terms of the intensities of the active actors and the intellectuality of the communicative medium. By «intellectuality» we mean a characteristic of the communicative medium, connected with the intensions of the representatives of power and management in the regions (managers) and with the intellectual coloration of the texts initiated by them. The authors present the results of many years of personal work and the work of the Center for Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the development of methodology and methods of dealing with problem-oriented texts, as well as management styles and practices in terms of the intellectuality of their actors. The authors focus on the intellectual direction of individual management styles. Using a secondary analysis of data collected in 2019 in four regions of the Russian Federation, they demonstrate the relationship between how a respondent defines management style in a region and how concerned he or she is about particular governance issues in the region and evaluates the effectiveness of federal and regional government and administration. The article is of methodological and methodical nature and contains examples from empirical research.
Shilova, V. A. and Bykov, K. V. (2021), “Methodological approaches, methods, and aspects of intentionality research in sociology of management”, Research Result. So-ciology and management, 7(4), 48-74. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-4-0-4.
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Research work is carried out within the framework of the planned theme of the FCTAS RAS 2019-2022 “Sociological monitoring of the process of reforming the work of government and administrative bodies in the regions of the Russian Federation”, hands. A. V. Tikhonov.