DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-2-0-10

Political communication in social networks: strategies for obtaining information by users of social platforms

The article identifies and analyzes strategies for obtaining information by users of social platforms. Today, researchers note such a trend as the transition to the virtual space of most of the political processes. In this regard, the process of mass communication, including in the political sphere, has undergone significant changes. If earlier the mass media had the function of informing, and the audience was assigned the role of only recipients of information, then with the access to the Internet space, the process of mass communications has largely acquired a two-way character. It seems obvious that due to the changes described above, the state and corporate structures are largely losing their monopoly on the dissemination of information, which completely changes the information behavior of network users. In this regard, it is of interest how network users select information sources, evaluate the level of reliability, how they perceive information and what strategies they form within this process. In 2020, the company “AS-Holding” conducted a study on this topic. One of the main objectives of the study was to identify strategies for users of social platforms to obtain information on socio-political topics. The study was conducted in Yekaterinburg in 2 waves (July and November 2020), using the focus group method. Within each wave, 15 focus groups (8-10 respondents per group) were conducted with active users of social networks, blogs and forums. Based on the focus groups conducted, the main strategies for obtaining political information were identified and described, and conclusions were drawn about the trends in information behavior of users of network platforms.


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