Changing the professional behavior of journalists in the context of the transformation of the mass media institution
In the modern scientific paradigm, there is an emerging need for a sociological interpretation of the performance of social functions by journalists under conditions of radical changes in the institution of the media, due to the economic, sociocultural, and technological changes of recent years. The transformation of the media and media space has not only transformed modern society into a mediaized society, but has also seriously changed the technologies of professional journalists' work and the practices of their interaction with bloggers, social network activists, business structures, and the authorities. The article identifies the main characteristics of the transformation of the institution of the media: 1) the introduction of digital technologies for transmitting information and the virtualization of the information space; 2) the active position of the independent media and new media in changing public consciousness and the estimates of the population; 3) the high level of competition among actors in the media space; 4) the globalization of the information space, blurred borders and unified standards. The social positions and functions of the media institution are being transformed along with the modernization of society. In the last ten years, the structure of the Russian media space has changed dramatically, which in general corresponds to the trends in changes in the social institution: the globalization of communication processes associated with the virtualization of media space, the legalization of "network publications," the universalization and multitasking of journalists' professional activities. Journalists feel a duality of professional identification: on the one hand, they are part of the market mechanism for producing and selling information; on the other, they are active participants in civic processes. The majority of media professionals consider it necessary for their profession to participate in the development of civil society; at the same time, only half of them link their professional activity to its internal aspects and purposes. Those professionals who work in traditional or online publications and simultaneously run their own blog or cooperate with independent online platforms feel more confident professionally. They are more likely to be innovative in the profession, capable of improvement and new functions of the media institution.
Shinyaeva, O. V., Kamanina, V. Ev. (2021), “Changing the professional behavior of journalists in the context of the transformation of the mass media institution”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 7 (2), 69-87, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-2-0-6.
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