DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2020-6-4-0-8

Comparative analysis of social portraits of leaders and activists of trade union organizations

The article deals with the formation of a new generation of young trade union personnel. The paper presents an overview of the main problems of modern domestic and foreign trade unions. One of the main problems is the problem of leadership and trade union activism, in which the young leader of the regional trade union movement and trade union activists of primary organizations are assigned one of the key positions. Trade unions in different countries pay great attention to youth policy. Young employees of the trade union with relevant knowledge and experience quickly gain access to the organizational space, benefit from corporate relations with the state and employers. It is shown that the current practice of appointing young leaders and activists and traditional training programs are not effective. In order to achieve effectiveness in trade union activities, an activist should to take into account the positive experience of the trade union organization in the tripartism system, personal qualities and professional competencies. This becomes possible if there is information about the social portraits of the current union leader and the candidate for the role of a union leader. A comparative analysis of these two social portraits allows us to determine the structure and content of preparing candidates for the role of a trade union leader. It is proved that the process of forming youth trade union activists and young leaders requires modernizing the youth policy of regional trade unions at the institutional and socio-technological levels. The results of the work were tested in the Federation of Trade Unions of the Lipetsk region in the activities of the Youth Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Lipetsk region.


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