Significance of problems of socio-economic development of Russian regions and their comparative analysis
The article deals with a study of media agenda as an indicator in the diagnosis of socio-economic development of Russian regions. The practice of implementation of business management tools into activities of government bodies dictates the need for adequate use of related tools, in particular, information support. Today, mass media plays a key role in the process of economic modernization. From the functional point of view, mass media is both an agenda-setting actor and a coordinator of feedback between society and local authorities. The purpose of our research is to identify and compare opinions concerning the condition of socially significant problems in Russian regions from the point of view of mass media, population and local expert community. The methodological framework of the study is the strategy of mixing methods as a way to integrate quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. To achieve the goal, we have devised a special technique to compare measurements of opinions of different actors. The technique is highly effective to solve a problem of assessing the real problem situation in the regions in the context of national projects. Empirical work was carried out on data collected from 4 regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. To formalize and evaluate differences in the opinions of population, expert community, and media agenda, an index of "underestimation" of socio-economic problems in the region is proposed. The study revealed significant shortcomings in the information support of management processes, including the implementation of national projects. The article clearly shows that the relevance of some problems is deliberately exaggerated, while the significance of others is diminished or completely ignored. The study also showed that the regional authorities play a leading role in discussing problems and diagnosed a very disturbing symptom – the confidence of a significant number of citizens and professional experts that the authorities' activities are aimed solely at meeting their own needs. The key problem of information coverage of national projects in regional media can be considered as the lack of available information about their goals and implementation. The research aimed to formulation of specific recommendations to improve the effectiveness of information support for the implementation of national projects and the involvement of stakeholders (primarily the population) in the discussion and development of project solutions will continue in 2021.
Prosyanyuk, D. V. and Kislitsyna, I. D. (2020), “Significance of problems of socio-economic development of Russian regions and their comparative analysis”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 6 (4), 87-111, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2020-6-4-0-6
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