DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2020-6-4-0-4

Value bases of civiс engagement

Today, social disunity is becoming a determining factor of relations in society. This assumption is also confirmed by the fact that even with external stimulation of civic engagement, the population is extremely reluctant to get involved in the practice of social interaction and collective action. The problem of the quality of human relations seems to us to be one of the most significant in the study of civic engagement. This gives us a reason to study civic activity from the perspective of collective action, as a process of implementing norms, attitudes and values that provide citizens with the opportunity to create associations and organize themselves to solve socially significant problems. An important task in modern realities is to analyze the value foundations of civic engagement, to determine its place and role in the system of social relationships. This is especially important in the context of an unstable socio-economic situation, the aggravating pandemic of the coronavirus infection and the consequences of combating it, in particular self-isolation and quarantine measures, which undoubtedly influenced the processes of human interaction. It was revealed that disunity dominates in society, which is expressed in a deficit of solidarity values (trust, mutual assistance, social responsibility, etc.). The study made it possible to determine the prevalence of individualistic values in society, as well as caution and prudence in relation to people. Of course, such values significantly hinder the inclusion of citizens in social relationships and relationships. The situation is complicated by other contradictions of a social, ideological, economic order, first of all – economic differentiation. The divide between rich and poor is the main rift that experts talk about. In modern conditions, the only stimulus for the development of civic activity is the presence of an “external” threat, a problem that significantly affects the life of people. In addition, the practices of civic engagement that exist today are carried out mainly in the field of volunteering and volunteering, protest activity, rarely in the framework of various forms of citizen participation in local self-government. The value system of society that has developed today significantly limits the practice of collective action and does not allow expanding the forms and types of civic activity.

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