Values and human capital of the employees of the corporation: experience in network troubleshooting
The article analyzes the theoretical approaches and methodological principles of studying the relationship between the values of an individual and their human capital on the basis of network methods. It is shown that the adequate theoretical foundations of such a study are built on the integration of the principles of the sociology of understanding developed by M. Weber and his followers, as well as the principles of the dispositional theory of regulation of the social behavior of a person by V.A. Yadov. The article analyzes the basic provisions of sociological science regarding the values and human capital of the individual as interdependent elements of the integral structure of the individual. The authors put forward and test some hypothetical assumptions about such relationships. The empirical part of the study shows that Russian corporations concentrate personnel with different levels of human capital, and that different levels of human capital correspond to different levels of value solidarity and social unity of corporate employees. Generalizing conclusions about the interdependencies between human capital and the value unity of the personnel of corporations were made; it was shown that such unity is inherent in corporations with a high level of human capital. The central statements about the network methods of empirical research of the relationship between human capital and personal values were substantiated and such methodology was tested at three sites: in corporations with high and low levels of human capital, as well as among respondents of the region where these corporations operate. The authors propose a number of practical recommendations and some new directions for the development of the stated topic.
Deryugin, P. P., Lebedintseva, L. A., Yarmak, O. V. and Travin, R. A. (2020), “Values and human capital of the employees of the corporation: experience in network troubleshooting”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 6 (4), 10-25, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2020-6-4-0-1.
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The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of Scientific Project No. 19-29-07443 / 19 “Scientific and educational centers as a factor in the formation of human capital in Russia: the format of creating world-class scientific and educational centers in accordance with the Presidential Decree "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024"”.