Dynamics of people's attachment to the (orthodox) religion and the church in Serbia
In an overview manner the authors keep a close watch on the general socio-political conditions in Serbia in their long-term perspective, incorporating into this framework the results of research on the relationship of people with religion and the Church – in other words, their religiosity. They use two methodological approaches: historical and sociological analysis, and experimental results on indicators of religiosity, or people's attachment to the Eastern Orthodox religion and the Eastern Orthodox Church in Serbia. Composition of the article: after introducing and choosing a methodological approach, the authors analyze people's attachment to religion and the Church in various social systems over time, describing the religious structure. In the first phase, before World War II, the religious structure is described as stable with a Pro-Orthodox consensus and without problematic issues. In the second phase, after World War II – as a destabilized religious structure with an emphasis on the process of atheization. In the third phase, in the early 90s of the last century – as a (re)stabilized religious structure in the process of desecularization of Serbian society. Finally, at the present time – as a restored religious structure, established during the 90s. The article promotes a sociological approach to spiritual and socio-psychological phenomena, with all the disadvantages of this approach in relation to the study of the phenomena of religion and religiosity.
Blagojevic, M. and Bakrac, V. (2020), “Dynamics of people's attachment to the (orthodox) religion and the church in Serbia”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 6 (3), 77-90, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2020-6-3-0-5.
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