DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2015-1-4-85-94


The paper studies the choice peculiarities of adaptation methods and the updating of the resources included in the adaptive potential concerning the young people in the communities which are in the situation of an imposed a particular risk and the daily "blurred" risks. The empirical basis of the analysis are the results of two sociological studies: the first was carried out at the methodical maintenance of risk and disaster problem sector staff of IS RAS during late 2013 in the social community, to which a risk is imposed; the second study was carried out in 2015 and it is the survey of the control group, which lives in the area of everyday, "fuzzy" risks. Based on comparative analysis of youth target groups from both data arrays it was substantiated that young people living in the areas of a particular imposed risk and daily "fuzzy" risks vary by the choice of adaptation ways to the risks as well as to the relevance of the resources that make up an adaptive potential, and some possible ways of a certain security status achievement among youth in the process of adaptation to risk. It was shown that in a situation of a particular risk the main factors of young people successful adaptation to risk (or the achievement of a specific security status) are the reduction of risk to a socially acceptable level and the development of an adaptive capacity by increasing the subjective feeling of environment safety, the protection from unpleasant experiences and the satisfaction by living conditions. In the situation of everyday risks the development of an adaptation potential among young people may be achieved if the preventive measures of health protection are maintained and the satisfaction of its state increases, if an overall level of anxiety is reduced and interpersonal relations are expanded.
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