Communicative competence of the personality in the space of virtual reality
The relevance of the problem is determined by contemporary social dynamics associated with a change in the forms of communication and methods of self-regulation. Informatization, virtualization, digitalization are the most common basis for changing social reality and the formation of a new communicative space. Its feature is the expansion of the reality of social interactions through the growing importance of its virtual forms. Objective changes in communicative reality require appropriate skills for their regulation. In the space of virtual reality, self-regulation plays the main role, and the communicative competence of the individual is its main mechanism. The competence of a person in the space of virtual reality is presented as the ability to maintain their sociality through the possession of moving knowledge, values, norms, skills, ways of behavior in a changing social reality. The methodology for the study of the issue was determined by the concepts of social space (P. Bourdieu), modern complex society (J. Urry, Z. Bauman, S. A. Kravchenko), the information society (M. Castells), social reality (A. Shuts). Based on them, the concept of communicative competence is developed in a virtual environment of interactions. The definition of the communicative space of virtual reality and the communicative competence of the personality in a changing reality is given. The changes occurring in communicative competence are substantiated under the influence of virtuality. The most significant characteristics of its structure are highlighted: the formation of another mechanism for the formation of communicative competence, the shift from the adoption of an institutional model to its design; mobility of norms and practices of interactive interaction, reflective self-regulation of individual interactions and subject validation of information reliability. Increased flexibility and mobility of communication; acceleration, installation on surface contacts and optionality, emotional autonomy, decreased empathy and “network jargon” as a form of rationalization of communicative interactions.
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