A descriptive analysis of the religion factor in relations of migrants to a new environment
Migration is one of the issues shaping the agenda at the global level and the Republic of Serbia is no exception. The subject field of the article is represented by the attitude of migrants to the host state and society. In the framework of the study of the mechanism of migration management implemented by the authors, in terms of studying the integration of migrants to the host community, an analysis of the factor of religion was carried out. The paper presents a descriptive analysis of the subject based on the results of a representative survey of migrants in all centers of permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia. Although the work did not allow revealing a statistically significant relationship between the factor of religion and the migrants' attitude to the new environment, the results obtained led to the conclusion that religion is not a barrier to the integration of migrants in the local community. The most optimistic about this issue are migrants – Hindus and Shiite Muslims, least Protestant Christians. The work also showed that migrants who are constantly staying in the Republic of Serbia are ready to stay there and appreciate the possibility of their integration, which necessitates the preparation of the state and society for the consequences of this process. In this regard, it seems advisable to continue researching this problem, tracking current trends, and possibly conducting a second comparative survey in the future.
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