DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-3-0-6

A social portrait of the young leader of the regional trade Union movement

The article presents the results of a sociological study of the typical characteristics of the social portrait of the leaders of the regional trade union movement working within the existing model of Russian tripartism. The construction of this social portrait is connected with the need to solve a complex practical problem facing the regional trade union management bodies – the task of forming young leaders of the trade union movement capable of leading modern regional trade union organizations. The effectiveness of modern trade unions largely depends on who is at the head of the trade union organization, as modern trade union leaders often have to act in a complex social environment, with limited functionality and the complexity of finding ways to act effectively. Modern trade union youth who want to actively participate in the activities of primary trade union organizations do not have sufficient personal and professional qualities to solve the complex problems of modern trade unions. In this regard, there is a need for solving scientific and practical problems of constructing a social portrait of regional activists of the trade union movement and development on the basis of typical characteristics of the portrait of the strategy and tactics of rational selection, placement and development of young activists, given the limitations of all resources of the personality and possibilities of the Educational-methodical center of the regional Federation of trade unions. The key concept in the theoretical model of the subject of research are young professionals who occupy key positions in the activities of trade union organizations of enterprises and institutions of the Lipetsk region. The results of the survey allowed us to quantify how the optimal professional, managerial and personal characteristics of the young leader of the regional trade union movement are formed. Based on empirical data based model staffing structure of the youth regional trade union activists and the intensity of the outflow of young leaders of regional trade union movement, depending on the experience of their union activities, which can be used to predict cadre of youth activists of the trade union movement, as well as planning propaganda work among the working youth. The obtained sociological characteristics of the portrait of the young leader of the regional trade union movement allowed to determine the rational structure and content of training of young activists in the Training center of the regional Federation of trade unions. The results of this work were reported in August 2019 at the meeting of the Council of the Association of territorial associations of trade unions of the Central Federal district, dedicated to the youth policy of trade unions and were approved.


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