DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-2-0-5

Реализация добровольческого (волонтерского) потенциала в России

The article is devoted to the development of potential of voluntary capacity (volunteering) in Russia. The authors provide a theoretical review of the concept “volunteering”. Special attention is paid to the description of the phenomenon of volunteering from the standpoint of foreign and domestic scientists. The emphasis is placed on the field of sociology, sociological theories and approaches involved in the study of volunteering. In terms of methodology, the study of the realization of volunteer potential is determined from the standpoint of the E. Giddens' structuration theory, A. Touraine's theory of social action, and V.А. Yadov’s activity-activist approach. The authors reveal the key areas of volunteering and make a comparison of the results of the regional author's sociological research and all-Russian public opinion polls on the subject of volunteering. The analysis made it possible to: identify the most popular types of volunteering among various social groups; highlight motives for volunteering; identify the main obstacles to volunteering and highlight additional incentives for volunteering.


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