The article explains the theoretical concept of modern environment study transformation based on risk approach. The risks occurring in the environment are conceptualized as the environmental and the activity phenomenon appearing during the transition from certainty to uncertainty and vice versa. The dialectical relationship of uncertainty and non-linearity is argued in changing social reality of modern risk society. The problems of risk social regulation in a changing reality.
Reflecting in the construction of own social reality by people, in the formation of ideas about it, the risks are mediated by the subjective interpretation of environmental conditions and are manifested in the interpretation of its phenomena, endowed with subjective senses, and in activity motivation during the interaction with risk environment. Risk environment as the changing social reality is only partly the determination of objective reality, but mostly becomes a culturally constructed phenomenon, the product of human relationships. Phenomenological paradigm acts as the theoretical and methodological source of its justification.
The change in the mechanism of social regulation within the new social reality, the weakening of its institutional aspects and strengthening of self-regulation aspects is substantiated. The processes of symbolization, simulation and performance are revealed in the risk self-regulation.
Keywords: risk,
risk environment,
changing social reality,
social regulation and the self-regulation of risk.
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