The problem of reforming the work of the power-management vertical in the regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization
The article represents preliminary generalization of results of the research of problems of reforming the work of the power-management vertical in the country by the Center for Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of the Institute of Scociology of RAS which belongs to the main area of our social sciences – obtaining new knowledge regarding the laws of survival and sustainable civilizational development of Russian society.
The theoretical and methodological basis for such a study is the idea of the sociological patterns of formation, implementation and timely review of the “civil contract” between the government and society (in the historically evolving internal and external conditions, challenges and threats). Situationally it turned out that our research took place at a stage in the life of Russian society when it is dominated by a state of uncertainty of civilization choice and a significant misunderstanding by the ruling elite of the need to timely develop a new social contract that is more adequate to solve problems of civilized development, and sometimes simple survival. This has resulted in the growing mistrust of Russians towards the work of central and regional authorities and administration, which was particularly evident recently in connection with the preparation and conduct of pension reform. The sociological and managerial approach to the description and explanation of these processes presupposes their correlation with the real actions of the links of the power and administrative vertical to solve the tasks of the strategic development of the country and regions with different levels of sociocultural modernization.The study of the relationship of the management system with the socio-cultural and general level of socio-economic development of the regions allows not only to explain the existing differences in the pace of socio-cultural modernization, but also to draw conclusions about the ways of reforming the power-management vertical, taking into account these differences.
Information for citation: Tikhonov, A. V. (2018), “The problem of reforming the work of the power-management vertical in the regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 4 (4), 121-136, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-11
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