Diagnostics of the potential of social participation in the context of organizing feedback between authorities and population
In the article, the problem of social participation in managerial practice is considered. The results are presented on the basis of materials of the pilot diagnostic study (2015) conducted in 4 regions of the Russian Federation. The article focuses on the study of the socio-cultural aspect of the social participation implementation mechanism. The assumption of socio-cultural and socio-economic factors' influence on the nature and the interaction level between population and authorities is made. The authors propose three criteria for diagnostics of social participation potential: the level of feedback channels development between the population and authorities; the public perceptions of work efficiency of both the authorities and citizens based on joint decision of the socially important problems; the potential of public participation. The authors emphasize the low level of public satisfaction with the use of feedback channels in communication with the authorities and the continued alienation of the power vertical from people’s real life. Today, the research is being continued in the context of justification of a technique of the remote analysis of work of feedback mechanisms in the relations between the population and authorities in regions of the Russian Federation in implementation of regional and federal strategic plans till 2030.
Information for citation: Bogdanov, V. S. and Merzlykov, A. A. (2018), “Diagnostics of the potential of social participation in the context of organizing feedback between authorities and population”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 4 (4), 65-77, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-6
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