The article deals with the structure and socio-regulatory potential of values that determine the semantic content of the life of young people in modern Russia. Based on the fact that in the cultural space of young people the construction of values takes place, both on the basis of the dominant patterns of culture and subculture, the typology of P. Sorokin cultures is used to conceptualize the meaning of life values. On its basis the hierarchy of meanings of life of youth is revealed and the analysis of their group differentiation is carried out. It is shown that the most significant changes in the views of young people about the meaning of life are noted in connection with age characteristics, level of education, religion, occupation, and type of settlement at the place of residence. The relationship of young people's ideas about the meaning of life with various types of culture prevailing in modern Russian society is shown, the degree of their rapprochement is demonstrated. The connection of youth ideas about the meaning of life with typical attitudes as the predominant characteristics of the way of life formed in youth subcultures is considered. For the analysis, the behavioral attitudes, the most characteristic for the process of youth growing, are taken. The greatest connection of all life values with the contradictory desire to unite with peers and at the same time to self-expression of personal qualities and a sense of exclusivity is revealed. The analysis is based on the results of a representative sociological study conducted by the Center for Youth Sociology of ISPI RAS in 2017 (director –
Yu. A. Zubok).
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