The author examines the phenomenon of "normal" anomie on the example of the transformation of social institutions in a complex society. It is emphasized that the peculiarity of the modern period – the transition of the dominant institutional rules from large social groups to smaller, but with greater influence and a set of capitals. The author examines the phenomenon of "spontaneous socialization" in the process of rapid formation of a new order in modern communications. The idea was expressed about the possibility of applying the methodology of evolutionary fractality and cross-disciplinary synthesis of natural and social sciences, humanities and theology to the study of "normal" anomie. The author showed the options of recursive spread of the fractal behavior (the capacity of "normal" anomie) on materials of sociological research: a) the dyshronosis effect – a prototype of the concept of "normal anomie" variants; b) the use of hidden management tools in the blogosphere; c) promotion of the open management fractal and the response effect of the resistance of the management environment (resistance property) as a limitation of the recursive process. A problematic question has been posed: why do some formats of behavior in society fractally fill our social space, while others cannot carry out these recursive processes being in a “sleeping” state. As a hypothesis, the presence of sufficient energy capacity of a recursively propagated fractal (behavior format) and the introduction of a fractal-frame regulation of the stability of the social system are considered.
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