DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-2-0-6


Prestige of military service is directly connected with the trust of citizens to this institution, willingly pass military service, and, as a result, stand up for the defense of their homeland. The article summarizes the results of a sociological study of the attitude of young Kostroma to the Russian army, presents data from expert interviews in the Belgorod region. In the course of interpreting the obtained research results, the ratio of different target audiences (boys and girls) to military service in the Russian army was revealed. 13.22% rated "excellent" the modern Russian army, 46.38% "good", 33.67% rated "satisfactory", and only 6.73% - "not satisfactory". 38.4% would have evaded military service, if they had such an opportunity, and would have spent that time on work or study. Two-thirds of the respondents (66.83%) called the main reason for evading military service in the Russian army "hazing", and 70% of those surveyed have surrounded by people who evade military service. The emerging positive dynamics in the public opinion of young people about the service in the army is extremely unstable, it is too early to talk about changing the image of military service. The opinion of the experts confirmed the findings, highlighting the existence of a subject-object approach to conscripts, the reluctance to proceed to a systematic resolution of the problem of the image of the Russian army.

Acknowledgments: The research was carried out with the support of the RFBR grant, project № 18-411-310009 "Evaluation of socializing trajectories of youth in the Russian region in the risky paradigm."



Рис. 1. Как Вы думаете, существует ли сейчас реальная угроза России  со стороны других стран?

Fig. 1. Do you think there is a real threat to Russia now from other countries?


Рис. 2. Хотели бы Вы, чтобы Ваш сын, брат, муж или  другой близкий родственник служил в армии?

Fig. 2. Would you like your son, brother, husband or another close relative served in the army?


Рис. 3. Каковы, по Вашему мнению, условия быта рядового состава российской армии?

Fig. 3. What, in your opinion, is the living conditions of the ranks of the Russian army?


Рис. 4. Если говорить в целом, знаете ли Вы или не знаете о ситуации, положении дел в вооруженных силах РФ, о проблемах армии?

Fig. 4. In general terms, do you know or do not know about the situation, the situation in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, about the problems of the army?


Рис. 5. Распределение респондентов по возрасту и возрасту

Fig. 5. Distribution of respondents by age and age


Рис. 6. Уровень образования респондентов

Fig. 6. Level of education of respondents

Рис. 7. Ответы мужчин и женщин на вопрос «Хотели бы вы, чтобы ваш сын, брат, муж или другой близкий родственник служил сейчас в армии?»

Fig. 7. Answers of men and women to the question "Would you like your son, brother, husband or other close relative to serve in the army now?"

Рис. 8. Распределение ответов на вопрос: «Уклонялись ли Вы или ваши знакомые от службы в армии?»

Fig. 8. Distribution of answers to the question: "Did you or your friends evade service in the army?"

Рис. 9. Основные причины нежелания молодых людей служить в армии

Fig. 9. The main reasons for the reluctance of young people to serve in the army


Рис. 10. Оптимальный возраст для призыва к прохождению срочной службы, по мнению респондентов

Fig. 10. Optimal age for recruitment for emergency service, according to respondents


Рис. 11. Оптимальный срок прохождения срочной службы, по мнению респондентов

Fig. 11. The optimal period for the passage of military service, according to respondents



Рис. 12. Общее отношение респондентов в существующей Российской армии

Fig. 12. General attitude of respondents in the existing Russian army



Рис. 13. Отношение респондентов к Министру обороны РФ С. Шойгу

Fig. 13. The attitude of respondents to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Shoigu


Рис. 14. Чего, по мнению респондентов, не хватает в армии

Fig. 14. What, in the respondents' opinion, is not enough in the army

Рис. 15. Факторы влияния информационной нагрузки на призывника

Fig. 15. Factors influencing the information load on the recruit

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