The article deals with the problem of social justice in modern Russian society. Consolidation potential of justice is investigated, it is noted that social consolidation is one of indispensable conditions of emergence and existence of any society. Attempts are made to analyze the term ‘social justice’. It is emphasized that the social justice is the basic value of the Russian society. For the last few years it very much was staticized and became aggravated, and in the last two years citizens assess a situation from a new level, from new idea of it. The situation became just catastrophic because idea of social justice is not articulated. Experts do not conduct a discussion about it. The Russian’s perception of social justice is analyzed based on sociological surveys. It is proven that in the socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions of modern Russia there is an apparent discrepancy between statutory significance of justice in public awareness and willingness to uphold justice, it is necessary to distinguish justice as terminal value and as social practice. It is defined that there is an objective need for search of qualitatively new forms of consolidation of the citizens answering to inquiries of society and relevant in modern social and economic conditions. One of such forms are social and network communities which represent a complex of rather stable and long-term interactions of informal character which do not have the expressed organizational structure and performing function of accumulation of volume of a personal and social capital in relation to their participants.
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