The article provides the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of group cohesion/ disunion. The cohesion is understood as quality of a condition of a collective subject (communities, groups). The high level of cohesion is characterized by the existence of group ideology. The dynamics of group identity is closely bound with self-development of certain individuals. An increase of individual consciousness generally leads to decrease of unity, manifestation of disunion in the social field of the group. The author sees the problem is in a high level of group cohesion aimed to destruction of public system, separate social institutes or other communities will have a destructive nature just as a high level of group disunion, in the extreme manifestations, destroying communicative relations, structure of social interactions, leading to atomization and chaos therefore it is necessary to understand where there is "golden ratio", a facet of a such cohesion that on the one hand, it would has a constructive nature, and on the other hand promotes an effective realization of innovative and modernization processes. The article presents the grounds for classification of the groups, describes the communicative barriers (faults, barriers, gaps), promoting group disunion. The author represents a technique of the communicative analysis of cohesion aspects expressed in communicative practice at forums in the Internet developed and tested during the basic research.
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