The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship of trust to local self-government bodies and citizens' participation in regional practices of initiative budgeting. The author gives a review of theoretical positions related to the interpretation of the concept and types of trust in sociological science. Trust is seen as a key factor affecting the functioning of society, self-governing local communities, and the socio-political activity of citizens. The practice of initiative budgeting is interpreted as one of the most effective types of self-management practices. The article presents a detailed description of the Programme of support for local initiatives. The essence, terms of financing, stages of realization of the Programme are revealed. The dynamics of the main parameters of the Programme in Tver region is studied (2013-2016). The positive effects of the Programme are considered. The growth of the trust of the population of municipalities to local self-government bodies is one of these effects. The results of Tver sociological monitoring of the population (2009-2016), as well as the data of the expert survey (2015) are presented. The growth of the trust of the population of the region to local authorities has been noted starting from 2013 (the launch of the Programme in the region). The positive nature of the relationship between citizens' participation in projects of proactive budgeting and trust to local self-government bodies, as well as the involvement of the population in other self-government practices (participation in elections, etc.) was established.
Keywords: trust,
local community,
local self-government bodies,
initiative budgeting,
Programme of support for local initiatives,
citizens' participation in local self-government,
forms of participation,
social dynamics.
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