Retraction (review of the article) is used by the journal "Research Result. Sociology and Management" to warn readers about instances of duplicate publications (when authors submit the same data in several publications), plagiarism, the provision of false data, concealment of conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.
Grounds for article review:
- detection of plagiarism in the publication;
- duplication of the article in several editions;
- detection of falsifications or fabrications (eg, juggling of research data);
- detection of serious mistakes in the work (for example, misinterpretation of results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;
- not the correct composition of authors (there is no one who is worthy to be an author, persons who do not meet the authorship criteria are included);
- the conflict of interests (and other violations of the publication ethics) is hidden;
- re-publication of the article without the consent of the author.
Initiation of article retraction can be:
- when referring to the author of the article;
- when the editor of another journal appeals;
- if other persons (possibly participants in the conflict of interest) are contacted with evidence of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article;
- if a journal of facts reveals a violation of the scientific ethics of the author of the article.
Retraction of articles in the journal "Research Result. Sociology and Management" is carried out as follows:
1. After the appeal of the author or other person who provided facts of the violation of scientific ethics in the article, the editorial board of the journal appoints a commission that conducts case investigations, taking into account all available facts and possibilities for checking the ethics of publication;
2. Deciding to withdraw the article, the editorial board indicates in the minutes of the meeting the reason for the retraction (in case of detection of plagiarism - with reference to sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction. Article and description of the article remain on the website of the journal as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text is marked with the letter "RETRACTED" and the date of retraction, the same litter is placed under the article in the table of contents of the issue.
3. The editorial does not delete mechanically the articles from the electronic version of the journal and from the archive on the journal's website, in order to ensure correctness.
4. The Council for the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter information into a single database of retracted articles) provides a protocol that indicates the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the examination, an informed decision and a completed form:
1. The author's name and title of the article;
2. The title of the publication from which the text is withdrawn;
3. The initiator of the article's review;
4. Grounds for revoking the article and the date of the decision;
5. A link to the page on the website of the publication, on which information about the retraction is given;
6. Output data to become a DOI (if any);
7. Themes.
5. Information on the revoked texts is transferred to the scientific information base - NEB, CyberLenin. Upon receipt of the application for retraction, information on the article and the full text remain on and in CyberLenin, but is supplemented with information on retraction. The withdrawn articles and references from them are excluded from the RINC and do not participate in the calculation of the indicators.
6. In case of serious moral damage to the parties to a conflict of interest, information on the fact of violation of scientific ethics can be transferred to the author's place of work.
7. The editorial board reserves the right to decide independently on further cooperation with the authors of the retracted articles (complete refusal of cooperation, refusal to cooperate for a certain period of time, appointment of additional expert examination of articles in case of repeated cooperation).