
Svetlana V. Ryazanova

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philosophy Science

Academic rank: Professor

Country: Russia

City: Permian

Organization: Perm State University

Position: Chief Researcher

professor of Perm State University. At present, the range of her interests is determined by questions of political mythology and contemporary religiosity. Ryazanova SV actively carries out scientific activity: the doctoral thesis "Religious and secular in the evolution of mythology" is defended in November 2013. Since 2014, S. Ryazanova has been leading the Workshop on the Study of Religion at the Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, consultations with graduate students and applicants for this center. She has been a member of the Eurasian Network for Political Studies since 2004, a member of the Russian Society of Religious Scientists since 2002. She was involved as an independent expert in religious studies by local authorities.

Major works:

1. Ryazanova S.V. Women's religiousness as a research phenomenon. Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state. University. 2011. № 30. Pp. 21-26 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=17668730) 2. Ryazanova S.V. Religious environment of believing women as a factor in the formation and implementation of confessional ideas. Bulletin of the Kemerovo state. University. 2011. № 2. P. 182-186 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=16463591) 3. Ryazanova S. V. The phenomenon of female religiosity (gender aspect). Perm: Izd-vo PGU, 2011. 255 p. (In co-authorship with AV Mikhaleva) (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=19673811) 4. Ryazanova S.V. New religions: a place in the confessional space and a role in the educational process // Philosophy of Education. 2013. No. 6 (51). Pp. 280-287. (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=21088198) 5. Ryazanova S.V., Zubareva E.A. The sacred space of the Orthodox Perm: a man of the XXI century. in the temple. / Sociology of religion in the late modern society. Sat. Art. Belgorod: Ed. the house "Belgorod", 2014. With. 264-276 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=26555773) 6. Ryazanova S.V., Zubareva E.A. Orthodox believer of the Kama region: XX-XXI centuries. // Scientific Result. 2014. №1. Pp. 5-16 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=23585450) 7. Ryazanova S.V., Zubareva E.A. Methods of research of the ROC in the province: problems and prospects // Practical philosophy. 2014. №3 (53). Pp. 33-42. 8. Ryazanova S.V. Tsolova AI Modern "neopaganism": classification, specificity and local variants // Bulletin of the Moscow State University. Series 7. Philosophy. 2015. №1. Pp. 96 - 106. (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=22952987) 9. Ryazanova S.V. Russian Orthodoxy in Contemporary Society // Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. T. 14.Vyp. 4. P. 35-49. (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=23375343) 10. Ryazanova S.V. Ethnic and confessional self-consciousness as factors of identification of Russian youth in a large city (on the example of Perm) (Co-author - Permyakova NS) // Scientific Result. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1 (3). Pp. 28-41. (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=23585462) 11. Ryazanova S.V. Provincial Protestantism: Variants of Evolution (Perm Krai) // Questions of Culturology. 2015. № 10. (in co-authorship with PF Sirotkin). C. 70-78 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=25644974) 12. Ryazanova S.V. Regional Orthodoxy: the Logic of Evolution (Perm Territory) // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Ser. 17. 2015. Issue. 3. P. 126-132 (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=24307655) 13. Klyueva V.P., Ryazanova S.V. Prayer practices in the Pentecostal environment: religious communication "vertically" // Bulletin of the PSTU. Series I: "Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. Issue 2 (64). 2016. P. 90-104. (https://library.ru/item.asp?id=26125958) 14. Ryazanova S. V. The temple as a representation of modern regional Orthodoxy (Perm experience) // Religious studies. 2016. № 1 (13). Pp. 77-90. 15. Kliueva V., Ryazanova S. Praying practices in the Pentecostal environment: a universal multicultural model // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 236 (2016). pp. 333-337. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042816316731?_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_origin=gateway&_docanchor=&md5=b8429449ccfc9c30159a5f9aeaa92ffb&ccp=y)