DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-4-0-11

Critical Situations and Civil Activism in the Digital Era

Nowadays, a civil society and its volunteers are the active participants of a global political process, especially when it’s going on about current critical situations (natural disasters, technological accidents and so on). Such civil activism is defined by a lack of vital resources, poverty and illnesses, an atmospheric and water pollutions as well as by various forms of social inequality. The essence of current critical situation is produced by the fact that a man is simultaneously became a powerful instrument of catastrophic changes on the planet and a pigmy fully dependent on the informational impulses from the outside and on the growing process of accumulation of the industrial and household wastes. Due to an existence of global information networks a process of shaping of a certain ‘hybrid’ named as a “science-education-practice” is rapidly going on. A multitude of metabolic processes emerging as a result of interaction of qualitatively different essences is its integrating force. The interactions of theses essences are shaping a capability of the individuals to the ecological and other forms of a systemic risk-reflection. For a rapid and relatively painless resolving of any critical situation three preconditions are absolutely necessary: the mutual understanding among the three of the above institutions, an existence of a common platform for a permanent exchange by new ideas and knowledges, and for accumulation of a new experience is necessary.

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