DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2015-1-1-67-71



Globalization processes and their integration into the modern society are often characterized by the threats of radical transformations that may be associated with weakening of the local social and cultural identity, the devaluation of traditional spiritual values etc. In this situation, the changes of traditional value orientations (including socio-economical) are accompanied by specific manifestations of compensatory reactions of the society, ensuring the necessary level of optimality, combining local and global coordinates.

1. Introduction

The global economic crisis has shown that the processes of globalization include not only the economy, politics, culture, and human consciousness. There is a transformation of ideas about the world, society, and themselves change the mechanisms for the selection of life strategies.

A person faces the problem of internal selfdetermination setting priorities and a new system of values.

This study aims to identify the dynamics of the development of civilization, as new prospects and new challenges appear in the modern globalizing community. There is a transformation of ideas about the world, society, and themselves change the mechanisms for the selection of life strategies. It examines the main directions of modernization, acceptable for the sustainable development strategy, which allow, by preserving the national identity and traditional spiritual values, the change of the population life conditions.

The philosophical, methodological and socio-economic analysis of the innovation processes dynamics deals with the systemic transformation of the modern society with the aim to determine their compliance with the global humanitarian and economic values.

2. Research findings

The process of globalization became the dominant trend of the world economy, significantly changing the system of international economic relationships, both internationally and nationally. The modern post-industrial transformation involves rather a mix of local and global issues, instead a dominance of the local, thus giving priority to the former one. Moreover, the self determination of the nation-state is one of the main triggers able to enforce the global economic strategy implementation at a local level using the leading actors of globalization – the transnational corporations.

Production of scientific knowledge in the system is the material basis of human life. Along with spiritual values formed culture system that links past and present, forms stable structures and forms.

Trend and maintaining a positive retention in the development process has been limited and is associated with a particular stage of historical development of mankind, the Enlightenment. Progress in the field of scientific and technological development can be accompanied by regression in many conditions of human existence.

The problem of the individual in the civilizing process and increasing the freedom of man faced with the technocratic tendencies unification needs in the area of mass culture.

The phenomenon of freedom is deeper and more multifaceted than the problem of adequate and recognized necessity of human actions. Freedom is connected with human life, with the understanding they make sense of their existence.

Paradigm of post-industrial society is based on the development of a new approach to the assessment of the role and place of the spiritual sphere of the human being. Great importance in all spheres of human life acquires information, intellectual and innovation.

An important factor in post-industrial transformation has become a modern information revolution.

Unlike social revolutions, it is able to reconstruct the life of the whole society, creating conditions for the universalization and globalization of human interaction. The main resource that provides stability and flexibility to post-industrial economies has become information and knowledge. Knowledge becomes a major capital, a new specific resource that is widely used in the world today, along with the natural resources, labor and capital.

Information is a resource that is different from other resources that constantly accumulates and not wasted. Natural resources are limited, but knowledge remains the "generator" of new energy sources. Growth of knowledge develop ways to use them, is involved in the creation of new information technologies. Information technology has become a factor for positive change in all spheres of human activity. The information revolution has an impact not only on the local public sector production, and creates a new economic and social reality of global level. New social reality - is an information society in which power becomes the main subject of the information.

Introduction of interactive communications system allows the transformation of the nature of socio-economic, cultural and political processes.

Information security was to address two major problems:

- firstly, to effectively regulate the major economic, social, political and ecological processes;

- secondly, to overcome the desire of people to solve problems by using a different technique, that is to depart from rationality technicism.

The global aspects of information include philosophical, economic, socio-political and cultural aspects. It dominates the technological basis and is aimed at the transformation of all areas of human activity.

Information technology, information resources and infrastructure form the information environment, which is the technological basis for the formation of a single global information space. The development of the information environment in many countries has become a factor of sustainable development. Information environment becomes a means to turn to the right direction the economic, scientific, social, cultural, educational and other social spheres.

Effectiveness of the informatization process based on technological progress is determined by the extent to which new technologies have a positive impact on social change. Information technology is not only a demonstration of the human mind, but is the technology "for people".

Information technology, a revolution in the field of communications, contributed to the development of messages globally. Through information technology people become part of the international community, able to communicate openly and receive information in real time. Each user of the global information networks becomes a single element of the planetary community. Information technology environment becomes the basis of a single information area of any state. Therefore, one of the most important indicators of the information society development is the level of compliance with the use of information resources in relation to the needs of society. That is, the conversion of information resources into information products and services. One of the criteria for society's transition to the stage of development of information is the number of people employed in the field of information services. In that case, if the rate exceeds 50%, the company is considered informational.

Information infrastructure enables the economy to shift to the massive use of advanced information technology, computer hardware and telecommunications. As a result, the market is formed of knowledge and information, which are the factors of production. Knowledge complements the natural resources, labor and capital markets.

Under these circumstances, and due to each country’s desire to maintain its sovereignty, serious difficulties and challenges to the development of coherent foreign policies and to the creation of inter-regional regulatory mechanisms within the integrated union are inferred, as for example, within the framework of the Common Economic Space (CES). It appears as necessary not only an interstate legitimacy, but a supra-structural one, sufficiently authoritative in order to resolve the contradictions between self-determination and integration based on respect for the sovereignty of the Member States, having not only coordination rights but also administrative decisions. This includes, on the one hand, the solidarity of common solutions, the integrative character of the EES functions (joint management), on the other hand, the separation of decision functions between each Member State of the EEA, and the delegation of these functions to them in order to take the right decisions for specific issues in each country.

Despite every intention to change the structure of the country’s foreign economic relations to favor high-tech production, it is unlikely that this would happen soon in the Belarusian economic policy, as the country is, and will always be, a nation highly dependent of the international market of primary energy resources. As in the foreseeable future the dynamics of oil and gas world prices for will remain the same, this will be the main factor determining the means of integration and the country’s way of functioning within the regional integrated structures, the relations with the West and East, the character of the new society formation.

The integration of the Euro-Asian Economic Union (EEC) is lacking institutional structures. On one hand, this is due to objective conditions determined by the independent development of the states of the region, finding themselves in completely different circumstances, and on the other hand, by subjective factors as the cost of national egoism, failures in implementing of a coherent institutional and organizational integration, factors reducing the effectiveness of other possible interventions. As in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), in this situation there are also very relevant the issues of the creation of an implementing mechanism adopted in the framework of the EEA decisions.

It is necessary to keep in mind that most of the economic plans of the CES will depend not only on the degree of interest in collaboration, but also on the real possibilities of integration. Significant differences in the levels of socio­economic development, economic structure, high transport tariffs determined by the geographically remote from each other individual countries, and others will require the development and implementation of new and effective mechanisms in order to apply the Common Economic Space programs, taking into account the principle of a Single economic doctrine.

In order to counter the influence of the negative trends of globalization we should have a coherent socioeconomic strategy, capable to unite the society and set the direction of the evolution "vector". The lack of an economic strategy is the supreme problem of the evolution of a society that leads to the predominance of the chaos in the economy.

In the twenty-first century, the main direction of the evolution of public policies in countries with developed market economies is characterized by the transition to modern national structural and institutional policies, where the government, business and public institutions are partners in their development and implementation, each partner having specific strategic decision-making rights and responsibilities within the framework of sustainable economic development.

Under these circumstances, one should take active efforts to develop a national strategy to create a competitive structure of the economy, elaborated jointly by the government representatives, businesses, science and civil society organizations in order to identify the most competitive areas of business that can attract the capital of Western multinational corporations, as well as the most competitive economic sectors that may generate domestic, Belarusian capital, transnational corporations. Nowadays this is feasible for the machinery, metallurgical and chemical huge enterprises, that are able to unite under a single leadership and then convert to a vertically integrated structure. This is possible especially for the oil processing and petrochemical industries, power generation and chemical companies to create competitive corporations, with high value-added manufactured products, demanded on domestic and global markets.

The true path of getting into the global economic area is the gradual convergence of the domestic macro-and micro-competitive environment quality and of the standards of entrepreneurial firms having analogues on the world market. For the right to use the world market facilities (including for public enterprises) as the already developed networks (financial, innovation, investment, distributional, informational, advertising etc.), one has to pay, including through the domestic companies auction of shares on the stock market especially to foreign investors, as lately, mergers and acquisitions became effective instruments of capitalization. Sustainable development, especially the modernization of the national technology infrastructure should be one of the main objectives for the business community, doubled by the state participation, along with the need to develop the economic reproduction legislation and its strict enforcement.

This approach allows us to reveal the specifics of the value formation in a modern society in the context of changing the traditional paradigm to investigate the role of local factors in ensuring the compensation community response to the dynamics of global transformation, to develop a theoretical and methodological basis of measurements of the dynamics of regional integration processes. Taking the path of sustainable economic growth for the implementation of national structural policies, more and more become important the basic parameters of the state prospective macroeconomic policies, especially the indicators of tax, credit, financial, fiscal, monetary, customs and depreciation policies determining the exogenous factors for the business development.

A both universally and nationally recognized vector of evolution could be the idea to build a highly intellectual and economical developed society based on a strategy which should be based on the main vectors of a sustainable socio – economic development: the creation of a socially oriented market economy; the profound respect for human values; the creation, on different levels, of relatively opened structures; the formation of sound, knowledge based, economic forecasting systems; a real improvement of the state regulation methods; the creation of an explicit legislation system that excludes controversial regulations.


Without regional and global integration, the country has no other prospects, than transforming itself into a insulated closed system, exchanging agricultural and industrial commodities with low level value added, for unstable prices for high-tech products and intellectual services of high added value, born in the depths of dynamic foreign companies innovators.

Qualitative changes (the ones giving the reason to conclude the process of transition to a new phase of internationalization) do not affect its material basis: the function, as in the past, is still performed by the international social division of labor, the increasing interdependence of national economies, creating the material conditions for their economic integration. Traditional instruments of internationalization of the world economy: foreign trade, the export of capital, the development of cooperation between enterprises of different countries on the basis of contractual agreements with its transition to the stage of globalization are complemented and they lean on more radical methods of international economic integration.

The dominant role of local factors in ensuring the community’s compensation response to the dynamics of global transformation is to promote the modernization of production and social infrastructure, implemented in the construction of transnational transport infrastructure, communications, energy, main pipelines, international science facilities, education, health, recreation, sport, all of them capable to bring the economy to a qualitatively higher level of social development.

The vector of integration is determined by the idea of building intellectual and economically highly developed society, the basis of our economic strategy which should comprise the main vectors of sustainable socio-economic development: the creation of a socially oriented market economy; adherence to human values; creation at various levels on the open economic structures; formation of systems of economic forecasting using knowledge about evolutionary laws; improvement of methods of state regulation of foreign economic activity.

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