
Guidelines for Authors

  1. A manuscript must be created in a Microsoft Word format (doc, docx), using Times New Roman 14-point font, single-spaced.
  2. The maximum length of a paper is 20,000-40,000 characters (including spaces), or 10-20 A4 pages (including tables, graphs, and references).
  3. 3. The volume of the Abstract is not less than 200 words in English. We ask the authors to pay special attention to this section of the article, observing the obligatory structure of the description of the scientific work in it:

    relevance, problem, results, conclusions.

  4. References to sources are given in the main text in parentheses in the following form: author (s), year of publication: number of the page cited. Examples: (Habermas, 2008: 14), (Garfinkel, 2002: 156-157), (Heath, Hindmarsh, Luff, 2010).
  5. References (at least 10 entries) must be placed at the end of your paper in the alphabetical order. Throughout the paper, the references (author’s last name, the year of publication and the page number separated by comma) are to be given in square brackets at the exact point in your document where you refer to someone else’s work.
  6. Self-citing must not exceed 20% of the references.
  7. You can see a paper layout in Appendix 2.
  8. An example of the structure of the article is presented in Appendix 3.

Do not use footnotes for reference, except for documents or web sites with no author.

  1. No bulky labels are allowed in figures, instead use letters or numbers to designate parts of the figure and explain them in the legend to the figure.
  2. When referring to a grant throughout the paper, please include relevant funding information such as funding agencies, the grant title and its number in «Acknowledgements».

Papers are reviewed by independent experts in the subject appointed by the Editorial Board. Upon completion of the reviewing process, an author receives a copy of the manuscript with a reviewer’s comments. When deciding on publishing a paper, the Editorial Board considers the date of receiving the final copy of the paper.

Information about the author

Send the information about the author (See Appendix 1) as a separate file when submitting the manuscript.


Information about the author

 Surname First name (in full)


Organization, Department




Academic degree, /Academic rank


Mailing address with the postal code


Telephone (to specify a city code)



Home, mobile                              








The basic directions


Title of the article



1. Abbott, A. (1988), System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

2. McCarthy, P. and Hatcher, C. (1996), Speaking persuasively: Making the most of your presentations, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, NSW.

Journals and Proceedings:

Bessant, J. and Webber, R. (2001), “Policy and the youth sector: youth peaks and why we need them”, Youth Studies Australia, 20 (1), 43–47.


Gibbs, A. (2004), "MBA Quality – An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives", Ph.D. Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK.

Dissertation abstract

Gibbs, A. (2004), "MBA Quality – An investigation into stakeholders’ perspectives", Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK.

Electronic sources

Young, C. (2001), English Heritage position statement on the Valletta Convention [Online], available at: http://www.archaeol.freeuk.com/EHPostionStatement.htm (Accessed 4 August 2011).




Full name

Full name of an affiliation (in the nominative case), business address: house number, street name, city, zip code, country



At least 1,500 characters (including spaces)


Scientific problem


Research results


Key words: maximum 8 words separated by a semi-colon


The text of the paper should be logically structured:


Methodology and methods

Research Results and Discussion




Information about the author/s:

Full name, job title, academic degree and academic rank